The New Year’s Routine Maintenance Checklist for Your Vehicle

Tire in winter on snow road. Winter tires with car detail.

January 1st is a time of year when personal goals and aspirations come into focus. Whether you’re planning on exercising more, finally starting that book, or accomplishing any number of personal achievements, you should also be taking the necessary steps to ensure your vehicle stays running throughout the upcoming trip around the sun. This article will cover the routine maintenance steps to take before driving into the new year.

1. Start with Tire Pressure and Tread Depth

Not all maintenance tasks are easy DIY jobs, but evaluating your tires requires no mechanical expertise and should only take a few minutes. If you live in an area where snow and ice are regular winter occurrences, it’s imperative to ensure your vehicle’s tires are in good condition.

To check your tire’s tread, all you’ll need is a penny from your junk drawer (if you can’t find one there, check the bottom of your center console). Once you’ve got your “tool,” stick the coin between your tire tread with Honest Abe’s head facing downward. If the top of Lincoln’s head is covered, your tread is likely still above the magic number of 2/32″. However, if you can still see our 16th president’s entire engraved portrait, head to the nearest Dobbs Tire & Auto Centers locations and see if it’s time to swap out your old tires for a fresh set.

2. Fluid Checks

Because you don’t see them regularly, it’s easy to overlook the importance of your vehicle’s fluid levels. Unfortunately, this can be a costly mistake if you go too long without inspecting them.

Every six months to a year, there are two reasons to have a mechanic look over your oil and coolant levels. The first is to make sure you aren’t running out of these essential liquids, and the second is to check for any signs of a leak that must be repaired.

3. The Three B’s: Belts, Battery, and Brakes

There’s never a good time to deal with a dead car battery, but taking the proper precautions can help you avoid this unfortunate experience. Batteries typically last anywhere from 3-4 years, and knowing when you’re due for a new one can save you from hearing the dreaded “clicking” noise that indicates yours has run its course. The expert and certified service technicians at Dobbs can run a quick test to let you know where your current battery stands and will assist you in finding a replacement if necessary.

Now let’s move on to the second B: belts. Your vehicle’s serpentine and timing belts are important engine parts that may wear down over time. An annual inspection to check for cracking or breaking is a good way to prevent a more expensive problem in the future. In addition, belts are relatively inexpensive to replace and can help you avoid more costly engine problems.

Every driver knows the importance of functional brakes, but many drivers neglect to have them inspected before there’s an apparent problem. A trained eye can inform you if new pads or rotors are necessary. Additionally, if you’ve heard any grinding or squeaking noises recently, this is an even higher priority item on the checklist.

Visit a Dobbs Near You for an Annual Maintenance Check

When it comes to keeping your car running safely and efficiently, you can count on the expert and certified service technicians at one of the 43 Dobbs Tire & Auto Center locations. We take pride in our work and guarantee our parts and labor for as long as you own your vehicle.

Contact us today to ask about a routine maintenance checkup and get peace of mind heading that your vehicle is in good condition heading into the new year.